22.04.2015 / Basel

The Future of the Swiss Engagement against Malaria

Swiss Malaria Group Technical Exchange Event, 22 April 2015, Basel

Malaria remains an important public health challenge and a main cause of morbidity and mortality in many countries. Therefore it is the major goal of the Swiss Engagement to support research and effective and sustainable interventions and strategies to further reduce malaria prevalence and incidence.

The Swiss Malaria Group has the great pleasure to invite you to the Technical Exchange Event 2015 “The Future of the Swiss Engagement against Malaria” organized by the Swiss TPH. The interesting program compiled by Prof. Christian Lengeler will give you an insight on latest research trends and strategies in the Swiss Engagement against Malaria. This internal event of the SMG will include keynote and plenary lectures.


Target audience: Swiss Malaria Group Members, National and international Public Health professionals, project leaders and researchers.

Date: 22 April 2015, 9:30-16:00

Venue: Mission 21, Bildungszentrum, Missionsstr. 21, 4055 Basel:

Organisation and coordination: Swiss TPH together with Swiss Malaria Group

Registration: Swiss Malaria Group, please send your registration by email: info@swissmalariagroup.ch

Deadline for Registration: 31 March 2015