Christa Rigozzi

Christa Rigozzi declares war on mosquitoes

In our latitudes, mosquitoes are mainly a nuisance. But in many parts of the world, they can be deadly as vectors of infectious diseases. The ambassador of the Swiss Malaria Group, Christa Rigozzi, is commited to ensuring that no child dies as a result of a mosquito bite. On the occasion of World Mosquito Day on 20 August, Christa Rigozzi draws attention to Switzerland's achievements and potential in the fight against malaria in the Swiss Malaria Group's new short film. More information...

Any questions?

Why exactly is Switzerland strong in the fight against malaria? And how can we prevent a child from dying of the disease every two minutes? Read the background information on the film here.

Christa Rigozzi becomes new ambassador of the Swiss Malaria Group

On World Malaria Day on 25 April 2021, the Swiss Malaria Group appointed the presenter and entrepreneur Christa Rigozzi as its new ambassador. Switzerland's commitment to the fight against malaria remains central even in times of the COVID 19 pandemic. More information...